Saturday, January 23, 2010

Productive Weekend

I love this time of year just for the fact that I get a lot of little projects done around the house. It is so miserably cold outside and I hate being cold so I stay home where its nice and warm and get caught up on projects. These are just a couple of things I was able to get done this weekend.
I made a few receiving blankets to have on hand for baby presents and just cause I learned how to do them and they are cute and easy to do!
I got the material for Christmas to do this quilt and I was finally able to sew it. It turned out SO CUTE and it feels so good(it is made out of mink fabric)!
I also got some organizing done and got all my totes labeled.
I LOVE Productive weekends like this that I can stay home all weekend and get things done!


Anonymous said...

I want that quilt!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want that quilt!!!!

Elizabeth said...

too cute!

Kevin, Christi, Wade and Max Kotter said...

Holy crap I am impressed! With everything! LOL :) And I am jealous too, wish I could get that much done.