Sunday, November 21, 2010

1 month old

Well Dax is already a month old and I don't know where the time went! Dax has been such a good little baby so far, lets hope it stays that way! He had his one month check up and he is now 9lbs 3oz and 21 3/4in tall and he is as healthy as can be. Seth has been the best big brother and is very protective over him, he has to know were he is at all time and gets very worried when he is crying. Seth loves to talk to him and try to get him to play toys with him. It has been such a blessing to have Dax in our family! Pictures of Dax throughout the month he has been with us!

3 weeks old 10 days old

Dax 10 days old
Kash and Seth holding Dax at a week old
Dax five days old

Halloween 2010

I am a little behind on my Halloween post! We had a fun Halloween this year we stayed busy with all the activities going on and all the family that was home. On Friday we took Kash and Seth out to my moms school were they did the spook parade and activities they had going on in her room. On Saturday we went and visited all the relatives around, then we went trunk or treating and trick or treating then finally made it home around 10:00 at night. It was fun but definitely exhausting having a brand new baby and a toddler! Here are some pictures from the weekend: Here is Boden in his pumpkin Skyler carved for him, he fit perfect! Dax in his halloween basket, one week old All the kids after trunk or treating Kash and Seth being tough in there costumes!
Seth and Grandma Suzanne
Seth and Grandma Linda in her classroom
Seth and mom
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Dax and Boden in their matching pajamas that Grandma Linda got them Our little pea in the pod Our little pirate

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

The weekend before we had Dax we went on out last family outing with just Seth. Bryan, Krystal and Kash came with us to a Pumpkin Patch in Idaho Falls. It was such a cute little pumpkin patch they had a mini corn maze that the boys had fun running around in it. They also had a little train ride going around the farm that they went on a couple times, and then of course picking out their pumpkins! That was the first pumpkin patch that we have taken Seth to and he loved it after we left we decided we will make sure we go to one every year cause he had so much fun at it and getting to pick out his own pumpkin!

The Nursery

Dax's room got finished just a couple weeks before he was born, I was lucky to get it done cause I didn't have much motivation with this baby! But once it was done I was glad I made myself get it done!! I am so grateful for my mom and her talent, she made all my crib bedding and the curtains so they all go together so well! Here is the final job! Seth was such a good little helper. He was way more of a helper than I needed when it came to painting thought! He only leaned against the wall once and then after I took this picture he stepped back into the paint tray! But he sure had fun helping me paint!