Friday, October 30, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Last Tuesday we decided it was time to carve pumpkins with the kids. Krystal made chili and we eat and carved pumpkins all night. It was such a fun night we decided that we are going to make that into a tradition to get together every year to make dinner and carve pumpkins! It was fun to see everybody show off there artistic skills, I think the adults had a better time doing them than Seth and Kash did! It was a FUN night, thanks Bryan and Krystal for carving pumpkins with us!!

Brandon and Bryans pumpkins. Krystals turned out really good too but the picture I took wasn't very good, and my pumpkin wasn't even worth taking a picture of!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So Amy informed me that I needed to update my blog, so I decided that would be my main goal tonight! I started thinking of what we have been up to and decided we have been busy but I just don't have any pictures to show for it (I am horrible at taking pictures). Some of the things he have been up to are: --We got a new car. Which is not a suprise to anyone! Anybody that knows Brandon, knows he likes to sell and buy things so we are always getting different vehicles. --Seth and I went to Boise with my mom and meet Amy their and we stayed with Stephanie, Garrick and the kids and had a great time spending time with them! --Brandon has been hunting with his brother Zach and some of his friends and it sounds like they had a great time even though they froze to death! --I even canned corned this year with my mom and Krystal. It was the first time I have ever done canning. It was fun and thanks to my mom and dad for having a good size garden this year we where able to do can alot of corn! --I have been busy doing crafts and sewing with my mom and sister (which is all I have pictures of!) So that pretty much is all we have been doing for the last month! Here are some of the pictures of the crafts and sewing projects I have been working on and actually got done! This is my recipe holder for when I actually do cook! This is another blanket I have made for Seth! Can a little boy ever have to many blankets?!
And my Halloween door hanger. It was super easy and fun and I am always up to doing crafts that are easy!