Friday, December 24, 2010


I am a little behind on posting but I thought better catch up a little bit. The month of November went by so fast with having a new baby, Seths birthday, Krystal having Knight, Thanksgiving, my moms birthday and my dads birthday, it all was sort of a blur!

First we celebrated Seths 3rd birthday, we had a birthday party for him on his birthday and of course he wanted a Cars theme so that's what he got! He had a fun day and got spoiled by everyone. It is so sad to think he is 3 already, time needs to stop and let me enjoy him being young. He has been such a blessing in our family I can't imagine life without him! We love him and am so grateful to be his mom!
Second little Knight was born! We are so grateful everything went well and he arrived here safe and healthy. He is so stinking cute! It will be so fun to have the three little boys so close in age and growing up together, we night have our hands full but that just means there will never be a dull moment with them around. Congratulations Bryan, Krystal and Kash!

Then we had Thanksgiving and it was a fun and relaxing day. We went to Brandon's parents this year for dinner and it was as delicious as always! I love Thanksgiving it makes me stop and think of all the things I am grateful for and every year my list gets bigger and bigger! I have so many things to be grateful for I don't even know where to begin. One of the number one things I am grateful for is my family, my boys, and of course Brandon. I love them all and everything they do for me.

That sums up our busy month of November up!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ready for some steak & potatoes

Dax came out ready for some real food! He was one of  those 1 in every 2000 babies born with teeth! We where a bit surprised when he came out with a tooth and the other tooth is shortly going to be popping through any time!