Friday, March 2, 2012

Seth’s 4

Seth has been waiting for his birthday for a long time and it finally came! He turned 4 and was very excited to have his special day, he started out the day with opening one of his presents and having McDonald's for breakfast, then he had to wait until later that day for his party. He has really been into Transformers so of course that is what kind of birthday party he wanted so that is what he got. He got lots of decorations, cake and treat bags all in Transformers but we couldn't find a Transformer Piñata so he had to have a firetruck one that didn't go with Transformers but as long as he had a Piñata he didn't care. We had his party later that afternoon with his friends and family we played a couple games with the kids, did the piñata, opened presents and had cake and ice cream. He had a fun day and was excited to play with all of his toys!

We love having Seth in our family he is such a good example to his little brother and takes very good care of all of us. He is very laid back and just hangs out and is such a good boy. He loves learning new things and loves playing with family and his friends. He loves doing anything that involves being outside! We love you and love watching you grow and learn new things everyday you brighten our day every day, we would not be the same without you in our lives!

Happy 4th birthday

Dax’s First Birthday

It is crazy that a year has passed and we are already celebrating all the boys 1st birthday. Amy and I decided to do Boden and Dax's birthday party together since they are only 4 days apart. We had lots of fun planning it and it turned out to be a BIG party with lots of family from both of sides! We had the party on Sunday October 16 which was Bodens actually birthday, we served dinner, had cake and ice cream and opened presents. It was a fun night to watch both boys enjoy all the attention and to watch them open presents and the best part of the night was watching them dig into their cakes! Thank you to everyone that came and helped out to make the party successful!

We love having Dax in our family I can't imagine not having him apart of our family. I love to be able to watch him and Seth together and watch Dax try to do everything his big brother does. Seth takes really good care of him and makes sure he is always taken care of. I am excited to watch Dax grow and learn things. He is learning new things everyday some of his milestones for his first year are:

-He is walking everywhere

-He has 4 teeth on bottom and 4 on top

-He loves to eat anything and will eat everything that is insight

-He is a great sleeper. I love being able to just put him in his crib and he goes to sleep

-He waves bye

-He loves to play with Seth

-He says mom, dad and bye

We love you Dax! Thanks for being a happy little boy and making us all laugh at the things you are always doing!